So, for the candidates who want to get their jobs by clearing the SSC exams, we have provided the SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 in English and SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 pdf download for various SSC exams such as SSC CGL Exam Syllabus 2023, SSC CGL Syllabus PDF Free Download, SSC Exam Syllabus 2023. We have to put in more hard work and smart work to get government jobs like in the SSC sector. As we all know the competition to get government jobs in SSC increases day by day. Every year thousands of vacancies are filled by SSC in various government departments.

SSC is also one of the most respected organizations for government exams in India. Staff Selection Commission is one of the recruiting government agencies as it conducts various exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC GD, SSC Stenographer, and SSC CPO to fill the candidates for multiple posts. You should expect to get higher wpm scores on easier tests and lower wpm scores on the more difficult tests.Ĭopyright © 2011-2023.SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 PDF: The SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 pdf download is available in this SSC Exam Syllabus 2023 in English post. Most standard pre-employment typing tests will be in the normal range. The algorithm to calculate difficulty depends on the average word length and how many special characters like capitals, numbers and symbols are included in the text. Our typing tests are ranked on level of difficulty. If you have a topic that you would like to see added to the list above, please feel free to contact us with your suggestion for a new paragraph typing test.
Clinical Laboratories (197.2 words) ***.Pharmaceutical Medicine (177 words) ****.Obstetric Ultrasonography (161.8 words) ***.

Intermediate typing tests: (3-6 minutes at 40 wpm) Contemporary Medicine (70.2 words) *****.Short typing tests for beginners: (1 - 3 minute typing test at < 30 wpm) For more details, check the difficulty key at the bottom of the page. Selections are ranked according to difficulty from '*' (easiest typing tests) to '*****' (most challenging typing tests). Click on a topic to use it as your test prompt.